Welcome to the Clark Street Bridge Percussion Orchestra Home Page
Thank you everyone who came out to hear Eric Roth's work for the Clark Street Bridge and to all who participated in the Clark Street Bridge Percussion Orchestra on Saturday, October 6, 2007. Your being there transformed a simple idea into a singular experience.Your photographs, recordings and kind words attest to your generosity.
Hear sound clips: Sample from Eric Roth's score: EricRoth2. Sample of improvisation by volunteer drummers: Improv1.
Robert Loerzel is an excellent photographer and writer who maintains a website called The Underground Bee. Check out his magnificent images of the event at : http://www.undergroundbee.com/2007/10/06bridge/index.htm

Eric Niu is a graduate student at The Institute of Design at Illinois Institute of Technology working on his Master of Design degree. He has some great photographs of the event at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fatniu/1500284441/in/photostream/ Here are just a few:

Eric Roth and young percussionist

MC Hugh Musick
Jill Hollingsworth was in town from Colorado to run in the Chicago marathon. She made it to mile 16 before the race was cancelled due to the heat. She took a few pictures on her visit to the city. Thanks Jill.

Remi Mommsen is a high energy physicist doing research at CERN, SLAC and Fermi Lab. Here I thought I "high energy" physicist was one who just never tired, but according to his website his work is "focused on experimental hints of flaws in the very successful standard model and understanding of the roll of mass." He also produced some great photographs you can see below. You can view his entire collection at: http://gallery.mac.com/remi_dona#100036&view=grid&bgcolor=black&sel=24

Kennon Brown works for the Department of Cultural Affairs and is one of many people who played such a critical role in making the event go off without a hitch. Thank you. You can see her entire collection at: http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?Uc=j5nwxxq.b3s08y02&Uy=gh4kgz&Upost_signin=Slideshow.jsp%3Fmode%3Dfromshare&Ux=0&mode=fromshare&conn_speed=1

Mark Dawson was the first person to send photos to me. Mark's images do a beautiful job placing the bridge in the context of the surrounding architecture.