These pages are taken from Hugh Musick's
notebook and contain an assortment of bewildering essays covering
topics such as:
"If health officials are so
concerned with "mad" cows why do they show little if no concern
for the reasoning deficits of poultry?"
"What happens to an 1980's-era
"Boy Toy" when he reaches the ripe age of retirement?"
"Why don't fables ever feature
bitter disillusioned animals?"
These pages offer fascinating insights
into the exciting life and mind of Hugh Musick including:
Hugh's take on what a friendship collage would look like if he and nineteenth
century poet Charles Baudelaire were girls in the sixth grade.
The things Hugh ate during two days
in New York City in January 2004.
A sort of explanation (tirade) as to
why Hugh doesn't like Fred Astaire.
and much much more that is neither particularly
interesting or legible. They're like Hugh's other work only bigger and
on two pages.